Dear Readers,
It’s Summer in the UAE and it is here to stay for a few more months. As the temperature rises, the days get longer and the sun beckons us outdoors. Imagine you are engaged in summer escapades in your backyard with your friends and family. Suddenly the mood is shifted and the ambience is drowning in the high-pitched humming of mosquitoes! Nothing else is needed to send a shiver down anyone’s spine and crash your merriment of the evening.
Apart from the painful bites and aggravating humming, mosquitoes are notorious carriers of diseases like the Zika virus, Dengue fever, etc. That’s why it is important to take proactive steps against their uncontrollable population. It’s not just about the comfort, but also about protecting you and your community against potential health risks. Welcome to the latest edition of Debug Pest Control Services’ newsletter where we discuss the importance of mosquito control in this summer season.
Why is it important?
Mosquitoes are infamous for posing serious health risks. By implementing proper mosquito control measures, you are not just protecting yourself, but also your community from mosquito-borne illnesses.
Tips to enjoy a bite-free summer.
Eliminate stagnant water.
Stagnant water sources are where mosquitoes breed. So make sure to empty and clean any containers that collect water around your home. It can be pots, gutters, tyres, broken vessels, etc. To prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs in clean water resources, it is recommended to change water in pet bowls, bird baths, etc. regularly.
Regular upkeep of the yard.
Regular mowing of the grass, trimming shrubs, pruning, etc. are required to keep any yard well maintained. This will stop mosquitoes from taking shelter in the vegetation and help to disrupt their natural habitat.
Mosquito repellent.
Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk. When spending time outdoors during these hours, don’t overlook the implications of using mosquito repellents. It can be either applied on the body, or clothes or kept in outdoor spaces. This reduces the risk of disease transmission and prevents mosquito bites as well.
Screen and nets.
When windows and doors are given mosquito nets or screens, it prevents mosquitoes from entering your home. If you spend time outdoors, make sure to enclose the area using mosquito nets. These provide an extra layer of protection if you stay outdoors for a longer period and plan to sleep outdoors.
Professional mosquito control services.
No Diy mosquito control is supposed to work if the mosquito population in your area is particularly high or if you are planning to conduct outdoor events during the summer. At Debug Pest Control Services, we are equipped to provide effective mosquito control measures tailored to your specific requirements.
By being vigilant and taking proactive steps, together we can enjoy the summer season without the fear of mosquito bites and health risks. Let’s join hands in fighting against mosquitoes. To get a free quote or to know more about our mosquito control services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team.
Best regards,